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Learn The Japanese Language In Marathi | Grammar Lesson #1

Learn the Japanese Language in Marathi, today this is the first blog in the series. In today's blog, we learn the Grammar part of the Japanese language.

The image shows five schoolgirls dressed in their school uniforms posing for a group photo in a park in Japan. They are smiling and seem to be enjoying themselves. The background of the image features cherry blossom trees, a common sight in Japan during the spring season. The image could be used to promote the learning of the Japanese language in Marathi, showcasing the diversity and culture of Japan and the opportunities available to those who learn the language.
Japanese School Girls. Source:

In the Japanese Language also have a similar grammar pattern to what we learned in English. It also has Parts of Speech, Predicates, Particles, Omission, Nouns, Adjectives, etc.

We use English + Marathi and in some cases, Hinglish Language as well so doesn’t worry about the Japanese language even if your beginner you will understand the Japanese language grammar lesson very well.

The Japanese Language Grammar Lesson #1

” particle ek topic marker ahe. Tasa toh “” series ch Hiragana Character ahe ani tyala “Ha”read krto. Pn Jeva aapan ekhda sentence madhe lihto tr tyla “Wa” asa mhnto/ pronounce krto.

Speaker “” particle ekhda sentence madhe add krto tewa speaker la kay bolacha ahe, kasha badal statement dychi ahe he sangte.


  • わたし は がっくせい です。

watashi wa gakkusei desu

Mi student ahe

わたし - Mi

がっくせい - student

です - ahe

Ya sentence madhe わたし he topic ahe karan “” speaker aapla introduction detana savata badal sangat ahe. Kon student ahe? - tr (Mi) Watashi wa gakusei desu. [わたし は がっくせい です]


  • わたし は アカシャ です。

Watashi wa akash desu

Akash kon? – Tr Watashi ithe pn particle “わたし” as Topic of sentence dakhvat ahe


  • アカシャさん は インドジン です。

Akash san wa indojin desu

アカシャ - Akash

インドジン – Indian

です - ahe

Akash he topic ahe sentence ch, speaker as sangat ahe ki akash he Indian ahe.


Make simple sentences in the Japanese Language using the “は” particle.

I hope you understand the “” particle today this is the #1 blog post of the Learn the Japanese Language in Marathi series. In the Japanese Language, there are lots of exciting things I want to share. In a few days, we also see amazing blogs in this series. Also please comment below if you have any queries and also tell me which grammar topic you want to understand. And please Subscribe to the newsletter to Learn the Japanese Language and also you will never miss any important updates. Thank you


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