Learn the Japanese Language in Marathi, today this is the second blog in the series. In today's blog, we learn the Grammar part of the Japanese language.
Learning the Japanese language in our Mother tongue is very useful and easy to connect with. There are lots of benefits to learning the Japanese language. We will discuss the benefits in the next blog, but today we focus on learning Japanese grammar.

です (डेस )
जेवा पण नऊन डेस सोबत येतो डेस हे सुबजेक्ट सांगते आणि सुबजेक्ट काय करत आहे हे दाखवते . "डेस" हे स्पीकर ला सभ्य (polite) रिस्पॉन्स देतो.
わたし は かいしゃいん です.
मी कंपनी एम्प्लॉयी आहे .
I’m a Company Employee
わたし は がくせい です.
मी स्टुडन्ट आहे .
I’m a Student.
わたし は さくら だいがく の せんせい です.
मी साकुरा युनिव्हर्सिटी मध्ये प्रोफेसर आहे.
I’m a Professor at Sakura University.
N1 は N2 じゃありません / ではありません.
"じゃありません / ではありません "हे एक नेगेटिव्हफॉर्म (Negative form) आहे " डेस" चा. "じゃありません " हे आपण आपल्या रोज च्या जीवना मध्ये वापरतोह "ではありません " हे एक फॉर्मल बोलताना किंवा फॉर्मल लिहिताना वापरतोह.
"では " जेव्हा आपण त्याला असा लिहितो "दे व " त्याला वा असं म्हणतो.
サントス さん は がくせい じゃありません.
サントス さん は がくせい では ありません.
संतोषसु सॅन वा गाकुसेई ज्या अरिमसेन
Mr. Santos isn’t a student
(both sentences have the same meaning but the difference is formal and informal)
かいしゃいん Company employee
がくせい Student
さくら だいがく University Name
せんせい Teacher
サントス Name of a person
I hope you understand this grammar pattern this is the #2 blog post of the Learn the Japanese Language in Marathi series. See learning the Japanese language is not a big deal if we practice speaking listing and writing in daily life.
For eg if you watch cartoons try to watch them in the Japanese language, I know it could be difficult for you to understand but you have to listen so that you would become more familiar with it.
In the Japanese Language, there are lots of interesting things I want to share. In a few days, we also see amazing blogs in this series.
Also please comment below if you have any queries and also tell me which grammar topic you want to understand.
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